That is a thought. However, being the hardworking lads that you are, I suspect you would have to look at the turn at night.:cool2: Not wanting youse guys to suffer eyestrain, that would have to wait until there are burning Pattons littering the battlefield. For that to happen, they need to come out from hiding. So clank your little Pattons out where we can set them on fire and illuminate the battle field and everybody can see, then we'll post the turn.
After all, I would hate to be the one responsible for having some of the worlds best and most valuable employees all coming down with eye problems, on or about the same date.
Some empire building Bureaucrat at DHS would see it as a terrorist attack and then there would hell to pay.
I mean, think how your wife will react when you tell her you are selling the family manse and moving into a cave. :eek1: Kids are kool with that stuff, but wifeys tend to be non-amused.
Highly non-amused.:censored: