No worries! There was plenty of discussion ... and room for more? :smoke:
If you want to work on ladder scoring and table of ranks that rewards players for losing while rewarding players for winning, I'm all ears! :)
Remember that it has to be done with all ladders being considered and total points earned by players who have been here for five years or more ... and those who are about to join?
Similar to the changes to scenario reporting/rating. Some members wanted the old? Some like the new? Some still understand neither? :cool:
As far as ELO goes. I think I explained it in my previous post:
the ELO rating column? -snip- A player who won a lot of games, or another who lost games, to "good players" would have a higher ELO rating?"***
It uses a formula like the "international chess rating system", ELO "handicaps" players ratings based on whether they played against a "better" opponent or not.
Or, like golf handicaps. You may use less strokes but the other player did better?