RE: What version of Steel Panthers do you play the most?
I haven't given it a chance yet. I have played 4 games of winww2 to date (2 still ongoing). At first I was very frustrated with it, but then yesterday I tried to set up a game of H2H and had to fight with the turns changing from what they were set at, air missions disappearing, and having to create a scenario to edit the flag objectives. I think that pushed me over the edge to going permanetly to winSPWW2.
If I remember correctly WAW Enhanced has the above problems too doesn't it since H2H and WAW are basically the same core engine?
Also, the poll doesn't mean don't play, I asked what you play the most of. I play mostly MBT, but out of 10 games 6 will be MBT and 4 will be WW2, so not a big difference.
There are a lot of things from WAW/H2H that I would like to see in winSPWW2, especially the sounds and the better graphics. The big bonus of winSPWW2 is as I stated above, plus the hills can be much higher.
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