Greybeard Wrote:Hello Alby,
thanks for the comments..
For the 'dancing StuG.. what I am refering to is really the OP fire routines at ranges of 2 or less hexes.. at those ranges most units seem to be able to shoot and shoot and shoot - way beyond their available ROF.. I, too have suffered the 'dancing Stug' (not necessarily a StuG in particular, but nearly any unit in the game had done this before to me) - where I attempt to move in close with a squad or vehicle well after the target unit has ceased to OP fire and is well pinned.. only to have the target wake up and go into a shooting frenzy, blasting off at anything that approaches within the 2 hex radius - if I shoot at a routed or retreating unit under within the 2 hexes and don't kill it, then invariably it reverts to pinned status and starts shooting again.. but once it reaches retreat or routed status a 2nd time, it tends to stay that way..
Just by way of a little clarification..
Thanks again for all the work.. it ain't easy..
Yes sir I am with you...
SPWAW has the "special op fire" which was put in to eliminate 'some' of the shot draining tactics that were so common in sp1, 2 and 3.
Now you cant be so sure your 'junk' has used up all the enemy armors shots.
There is a preference for the OP fire, in the prefs screen.
I have not played with it much but adjusting it down some would maybe help.
I usually just leave it at default 100%