Rev Rico Wrote:IIRC Regarding new units:
-KG Rink was increased by 400 men of the 347 FEB and I/732/712.
-Each Bn of the 59th ID was increased to 450 men and able to breakdown into companies.
-A 300 man SturmPioneer Bn was added to II FJ Korps
-A 5 vehicle Stug III unit was added to II FJ Korps
-A FJ.Werfer Rgt was added to II FJ Korps that included 100 men and 24 NWs.
-KG Henke was added to Nijmegen at start area absorbing the alreading existing Erz Bn and garrison unit but added more men and guns.
-4 JgPz IVs added to 10 SS OOB to arrive in North, 2 added to 9 SS instead of being factored into the JgPz Inf Coy.
-506 Tiger Bn has its inherent AA Btty
Oh yes, I did add in the III/743/719 (330 men, 12 guns) to enter as reinforcements behind the 6 FJR. I made them part of the ad-hoc KG Sievers which covered the 6 FJR's right flank.
Huib, your e-mails were filled with gems of information; I certainly wasn't going to lose them!!! :-)