RE: Updated France Campaign with Strategies
Good question Steve, and it is discussed in the read me file with it so that new players of it know what is going on. Basically, there are duplicate HQs for PzGr v Kleist and its subordinate Korps HQs that are all assigned to Heeres-Gruppe B. If a non-historical strategy is chosen, then these HQs are used as needed, although the units still start out assigned to the historical structure. However, come the first corps attachment phase, the various divisions and corps support units can be reassigned to these duplicate HQs which report to the duplicate v Kleist HQ which reports to H-G B and so all can be kept close together.
For the balanced strategy, there are both the historical and duplicate v Kleist HQs, one for the units in the south and one in the north. Also, the units directly subordinate to PzGr v Kleist are duplicated for the right wing strategy and removed from the historical since the entire gruppe is in the north then.
I tested it and it worked the way I wanted it - the very first midnight/corps attachment turn will still be an issue until reassignments happen, but I couldn't figure out a solution without trying to duplicate every single unit and then make sure it all matched the alternate setups - I tried that and kept making errors so I gave it up.
Thanks for the input on it too. By the way, I have a solution for our game that can work too, mention it to me offline if you are interested and I will send you an OOB tweak to resolve it going forward, if worthwhile.