RE: Updated France Campaign with Strategies
I don't know if David has any experience with testing the initial version of the scenario, which did not have the new Belgian deployments in it. However, 4 of us have had a team gaming going for awhile using that initial version, and currently the result is a minor German loss. There is a lot of time to go and the Germans are slowly pushing up the score and I feel have a lock on a draw if not more.
I am not sure how your comments apply to this version and not the shipping version either - in a game of the regular campaign, my Allied opponent has pulled back, given up the Belgians for lost, and is sitting back waiting to strike with the bulk of his forces. That game is not as far along as this team game though, so I can't say how things will play out, but it is showing the exact method of playing you mention above.
Anyway, I would say this allows the players for both sides to make choices that will give the game a very different complexion, but I would also expect it to be a difficult play for the Germans. A major German win will require a deep drive, an Allied major win should require stopping or pushing back the Germans. So all in all, it does what we planned on in setting it up, there is no way to eliminate the Allied player foreknowledge, unless playing the scenario that has the forces committed and fixed as historically, which already exists, or playing a subset as with the one you mention.