RE: New here! and want game (of MBT)
Notice some scout unit formations in SPWW2 are given experience (+) modifiers , which could possibly help them spot things quicker.
Kind of like the 'special' flags in WAW for Recon ,Elite, Second line.....etc etc.
"Experience and Morale modifiers - leave at 0 and the formation (and any sub formation) units when bought will use the default experience and morale and hence costs (depending on whether national characteristics is on or off in the game preferences). Otherwise - positive numbers increase experience (training) levels and cost, while negative numbers will reduce these, and purchase cost."
For instance all German Scouts it seems recieve an experience multiplier, even if not in an "elite" formation, as do USA ones, Most Russian ones do not however.
Just a few examples, I did not look too hard or for very long.