Original OOB or McNamara OOB - Which is best?
Hi Guys
Which OOB are most people using, original or McNamara?
Which is considered the best one to use (the Original OOB / Database or the McNamara OOB / Database as used in the newest Volcano ALT scenarios)?
I ask this as I have noticed that in MG44 in particular British Infantry and the 1st AB seem to get the biggest down grade vs others, hence they are weaker. This is especially so for UK Inf/AB whose soft attack values that drop from 10 to 7, the US Para's also drop from a soft attack of 10 to 8, whilst most german units only drop 1 soft attack level. So I was particularly concerned if this may effect game balance.
So what do others think? And why do we have 2 OOB any way?
PS - I like most of Volcano's scenarios I am just not sure about this OOB change.