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Tales of Brave Sir Robin . . . SFS ROUND 3 Sitrep Thread!
12-01-2006, 12:42 PM, (This post was last modified: 12-01-2006, 12:49 PM by Toten Tanz.)
RE: Tales of Brave Sir Robin . . . SFS ROUND 3 Sitrep Thread!
Strike of the Lehr - Toten Tanz vs. Rupert Turn 5

Panzer Lehr artillery strikes fell on known and suspected enemy locations. Most of the strikes were in and around Hirschland, in an attempt to soften up the defending American forces. No damage could be assertained.

In Baerendorf, units were moved to provide artillery spotting on American forces in Hirschland itself. Pioneers cleared the road block in Baerendorf and 3 Co.y, 1 Btl, 902 PzGdr Reg moved forward to cross the river and passed through the town. Direct fire artillery destroys the American units in the open to the SE of Baerendorf.

The Eastern Hirschland assault group completed its encircling move, and was reinforced with the PzIIs of Det 3, of Pz.Auf. Lehr Abteilung 130, which had been supporting KG Otsenberger. The Western assault group beings to form out of American LOS. More HT mounted mortars and Howitzers were brought forward to support the attack.

Even though the Eastern Kirrberg assault group is not in position, Kirrberg
is within striking distance of the Western group. With the American withdrawal across the Panzer Lehr front, it is decided to conduct a hasty assault with the Western group. MkIVs, from 5 Co., II Blt/Panzer Lehr Reg. race down the road leading into the town. 750m from the town, they receive fire from concealed HT MGCs. The American fire is ineffective, and other tanks from II Btl destroy the MGC and 5Co. continues into Kirrberg, itself.

They then come under fire from concealed M-10s some 750m to the East, across the river. Two MkIVs were left burning in the town. Maj. Johan directs accurate cannon fire from other II Btl tanks and destroy the M-10s as they retreat. Two Grenadier platoons, from 2 Co., 1 Btl, 902 PzGdr Reg. are sent forward to occupy Kirrberg, while an MG platoon is placed where the MGCs had been destroyed, to keep the road open, in case there is any supporting infantry to deal with.

The Eastern assault group engaged a scout jeep section at long range to the South of Kirrberg, and destroyed it. The assault group was held in place, wile the tactical situation in Kirrberg was sorted out.

The Panthers of KG Otzenberger, supported by 1 Co, 1 Btl, 901 PzGdr Reg. secured Ischermuhl with no resistance. There is a ridge approx 1250m East of the town, covered with orchards. The lay of the land makes it so that Panzer Lehr forces in the town can not see any American forces deployed there. Any advance down the road out of Ischermuhl can be met with flank and rear shots. This is a perfect place for an antiarmor ambush, as well a providing protection to Weyer from attack from the South.

It is decided that maximum effort will be given to clearing the ridge with infantry, so that the KG can attack Weyer from the South, or proceed SE
towards Schalbach.

American attack planes once again appeared overhead. Despite determined AA fire, they destroyed the AC unit near Gungwiller, which had been observing American movements in Drulingen. American artillery fire was once more ineffective, only causing disruption in a couple of units.

As expected, American infantry appeared in the orchards West of Kirrberg. A single infantry platoon closed with KG forces and destroyed a MkIV. American units were again seen moving to the front of Panzer Lehr forward units.
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RE: Tales of Brave Sir Robin . . . SFS ROUND 3 Sitrep Thread! - by Toten Tanz - 12-01-2006, 12:42 PM

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