RE: experimental rules in MBT
I buy 1 FOO , use him to get the initial request in and then use a zero unit to get the fire on target. I am using the FOO as a forward artillery contol point, NOT a spotter. I think this is how they are used in the real world, ecxept in the US army, which has the money to stick a FIST-V at the end of every column. AFAIK, most armies use professional spotters to get the rounds on the way and then turn the tubes over to local control ( the Company commander, or platoon leader, depending on nationality)
Most of the nations in MBT either cannot afford dedicated spotter teams or don't want to afford them.
I would like to hear from some French or Germans on this. Most NATO countries have the money to put fully equipped and trained spotters with smaller formations, they just would rather spend the money elsewhere.
Any former Warpact people out there that know how it was done on the other side of the hill, speak up.
From reading 'Red Army' and 'Armor' magazine, I got the impression that nothing under the battalion level could call or even adjust fires. In SP terms, it would be as if the Soviets could only reuest fires on the pre-positioned artillry requests ( dimes, or golden spots). Once that request landed, fire was adjusted from that point.
"I totally don't know what that means, but I WHOUNT it!"
-Jessica Simpson