czerpak Wrote:What I am really asking here is - how this rule improved the game ? And I am not buying the answer that it gets rid of people buying to much arty. There are easier ways to deal with it.
And yes, I know it is my game and I can play however I want etc etc etc...
What are those easier ways? To put a 10% etc. limit on points used for arty? To put a 10 etc. limit on the number of arty pieces? I think those rules are in fact more complicated than this one by Weasel & Vesku. I've used these rules in my previous games:
They're much more complicated than the W&V one and I think I might switch to their rules, just to make it less complicated. The good thing in W&V arty rule is that there's a trade-off between the cost of arty and its effectiveness. The more FOs you've got the more flexible your arty is - but also much more expensive. I find that nice way to give some depth to the gaming experience.
Without any restrictions, arty is too deadly in MBT/WWII. For example against large paradrops it's way too easy to just assign half a dozen mortar platoons to pound the area where they landed. What is more usual is to have shitload of turrets and bomb the whole front. Very deadly, especially against the attacker.
When these rules are used the incentive to buy arty drops dramatically and the use is more realistic - huge concentrated bombartments of a single target.