Thexder Wrote:What are those easier ways? To put a 10% etc. limit on points used for arty? To put a 10 etc. limit on the number of arty pieces?
The good thing in W&V arty rule is that there's a trade-off between the cost of arty and its effectiveness.
Without any restrictions, arty is too deadly in MBT/WWII.
I think thats a good example of "If you dont want to have a problem dont create it in the first place"
If I understood all of those opinions correctly arty is too deadly in MBT/WW2, right ? How much "too deadly" it is ? Twice ?
There is no need to create any rules, complicated or not, to overcome this problem.
You can lower arty effectiveness to 50% in the preference menu and off you go. Job done. Thats why it is there. Why anyone would want to count FOs instead ?