RE: Shoot & Scoot & Pet Hates
I think some are misunderstanding me here, I'm not saying that shoot and scoot is not a valid use of a tank in warfare.
But consider this, we are playing with platoons of up to 5 tanks each here. Mutiply that by say up to 20 platoons and you have upwards of 100 tanks all shooting and scooting.
I am well aware shoot and move to fool range finding is a good idea and some tanks would be able to duck out of sight again. But 100 or more tanks doing that, is in my opinion just not a reasonable assumption of what happened on a WWII battlefield.
I think some penalty should be applied for this to happen and op fire from defending units should be madatory, they shouldn't just sit there and take it which is often the case.
Re the surround and overrun there are many instances in the history of the East Front where surrounded troops fight on for a long time tying up forces that could otherwise be used to attack. The fact that they surrender instantly to in some cases dubious attackers seems a travesty to me. I've had a Flak Waggon overrun disrupted 5 platoon ISII's, I mean come on if that isn't gamey I don't know what is.
I'm just trying to give food for thought here, with the hope that Matrix will improve the game.