RE: experimental rules in MBT
The CC I like. It's the game that I dislike. It was a Great engine for SP3 and I loved the original version, but I'm not a WW2 guy. I remember trying to use a mixed force of Syrians,Jordanians and Iraqis in SP3. With CC on the Jordies had no problems, the Syrians some, and the Iraqis were just plain 8UP. I would like to see CC in MBT but most would not use it. My main complaint with WAW's CC function is that you can't cross attach Platoons like in MBT. It cost me the game in a old tournament. That said, it is still the best way to control many of the Arty abuses in the game.
The 70% soldier..... Weasel and I tried that once but it was inconclusive.
it seemed that they just ran away faster, not died faster. I think increasing the effects of ARTY would be a better solution. Arty is absolutly lethal to unprotected troops. The #1 killer in WW2. I agree that infantry is way too resilient at present.
Artillery is NOT too powerful. It is NOT powerful ENOUGH!