Huib Wrote:The reason of my wondering was that I thought The Cameron Higlanders of Ottawa was an infantry machine gun batallion (this is also how the stock oob editor displays the Cameron Highlanders of Ottawa), rather than a mechanized unit. However it seems possible they woould have had carriers. Thats why I wondered why Chris 'overruled' the stock editor.
Well the post was made after a few beers, but I was interested in how carriers should be used as I thought it an interesting point Huib.
In an armoured formation would a MMG carrier not still be manned by
infantry units? Armoured infantry I assume but still units that are in
theory detachable from the carrier - so is there ever a justification in using a carrier with a non detachable MG?
"With the commonwealth I get the feeling they liked shooting off their ammo from the vehicle rather than dismounting. But I don't see why they couldn't, and they probably did if stealth was desired."
Possibly just an issue with the game engine here really then. Obviously if they are a seperate unit they would not be able to fire on the move, but I suspect most players would prefer a dismountable unit?
Thanks for the posts.