RE: Couple of noobish questions.
TI/GSR is a Thermal Imaging and range finding system. IIRC it also can relay GPS co-ordinates, which gives it a bonus when spotting for arty.
The CIWS is a counter missile system. It can either be something to screw up the guidance of an ATGM or a hard kill system that destroys the ATGM before it hits the target. IIRC, in game terms they are treated the same due to limitation in the source code. In the real world they are vastly different systems, with the hard kill system being lethal to troops nearby. The US Army is working on a hard kill system that is accurate enough to not be a mass slayer of supporting infantry. I think the Russians use something like a claymore that puts out a cloud of hard sharp things for the missile to run into. Unfortunately for any nearby troops, those things don't stop if they miss the ATGM, but keep on going. That is not healthy for the infantry supporting the MBT, so those infantry end up staying to far from the MBT to support it correctly.
What is needed is something like the CIWS the Navy uses on it's ships, only smaller. In say a .177 caliber. That's right, a pellet gun using electromagnetic acceleration to get the pellets moving at 5 Km's per sec. or so. Build it like a chain gun so it fires 6 to 12 thousand 'rounds' per second.
The NAVY built an E-M gun that would do the job only the killed the project because they couldn't get it to work on anything bigger then about 50mm. 2 inches is too small to get sailors worked up, so thy cancelled the project. It would be ideal for a light weight anti-tank gun that could be nounted on light tracks in place of a .50. It would be man portable, but the Hyoer missile that the Army spent a few billion on wasn't either.
It made me laugh to see the Army and the Navy spending billion on weapons that the other service could use bu they didn't need. A hyper missile is just the thing for an anti missile missile, while the E-M gun is better in the tank killer role. But, like the Army Navy feud over Aircraft engines in the 30's ( the Army wanted inline, the navy radial), neither side will pay attention to the other, just because they are the other.
I got carried away here. Sorry.
"I totally don't know what that means, but I WHOUNT it!"
-Jessica Simpson