Turn 12 Action - A little better
On the Right:
In the orders phase I actually targeted that center unit with each of my men, and then didnt change targets this turn (you think I would have known that by now). The results are better, but still not enough to make him panic, since the unit pops back up at the end. But since my men are doing well and since US units have plenty of ammo to spare I am going to keep the mortars silent for another turn and see if another round of fire doesnt make a difference.
Sgt Kay's squad got within satchel range, but didnt toss them, so I am going to order that again. Like I said in the very first post - satchels are so much fun, but hard to deploy sometimes.
(Note: The numbers in the picture above are casualties I have taken on that side.)
To the center:
Here is one of the MGs that opened up in turn 11. As you can see, I am trying a similar tactic on this MG, seeing if just small arms fire can break it. I am somewhat disappointed as I didnt even see the MG take cover. Maybe small arms alone isnt as effective as I thought. I have time and ammo to spare in this section, so I am going to keep the bullets-only flying for a little while longer.
Still in the center but over to the left just a bit:
Some more units revealed themselves here in turn 11. If you look close you can see the LMG area target order and the treeburst from a 60mm mortar I had targeting the spot. I am hoping that fire pinned the units since I ran a flamer to within distance and I will be torching the area next turn and assaulting with a half-squad (following the green line).
Finally Sgt Helton still didnt see the LMG go to eliminated, so I am going to quit area-firing over there. Perhaps he has snuck away.