From Hell's Heart I Stab at Thee!
My Crack panzer under Lt. Oekler hits and penetrates on the first shot of the new turn. To my amazement, the firefly retorts and punches one through Lt. Oekler's Tiger. One of the Lt's platoon blows out the candle on the last firefly, extracting final revenge.
This makes things a bit tighter, but I now own Spike's East flank. His infantry in front of the flag is quickly overpowered and next turn will commence with a few assaults to weed the last of the Brits out of their teacups.
POS's tanks line up on parade again on the road outside of town, finally extricated from the fiendish foliage in which they had previously been curtailed.
I must now protect my lone Tiger in the village from attack. I moved him back out of road LOS last turn, so no worries. A panzershreck also guards the road.
IF POS comes at me, then he will have to strike straight through into my reminaining four functioning panzers on the far flag, while facing my advancing infantry.
One last note, my sniper has 2 rounds left and is hoping to take a head off in that column of fireflies early next turn.