RE: Where do FGM members post? POLL
Moderating consistently is a difficult task, and on ocasion I have felt conflicted by a self-imposed desire to try and maintain consistency with past standards rather than building a new consistency based on my personal philosophies. But, in general, I imagine (that's the thing about self-evaluation...that most difficult of's all purely subjective imagination of ourselves as we would like to be seen) that I'm a fairly relaxed moderator and it takes a cumulative set of irritants or irrelevancies to prod me into action. I draw the line at continuing threads that have nothing to do with the club and contain members taking shots at one another......I really do want to see harmony etc. I hate seeing real barbs being thrown, rather than friendly banter/teasing.
Randy is quite right that people willing to step up and run things are rare....we have some good tourneys going on run by very good people, but there are often more ideas than time permits. There could always be more done. It is interesting to consider whether or not FGM soaks up motivation that might otherwise manifest itself at the Blitz....but given that all FGM are Blitz mebers, you could also view it as a Blitz side project that helps keep Blitz members involved and entertained.
In any club there is also another class of member, and that is the "personality"....whether they be good or bad, and there are usually both kinds. That's the class which I think is overlooked in a narrower focus on strictly CM related tasks.
Any club has a social element to it as well as a gaming element. The "good" personalities can make a forum a much livelier place, and are to be robustly encouraged. The bad ones can kill a forum stone dead, and need to be managed and, if ultimately unmanageable, removed. If the "good" I am perhaps generously describing them.....are encouraged and entertained by a particular forum feature (what on earth could that be? :whis:), then I'm willing to tag along with it and give a little push.
This is possibly better said in the clickie thread than the FGM posting thread, but I started writing it thinking about FGM so here it is.