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New H2H scenarios available for testing
09-19-2007, 02:19 AM,
New H2H scenarios available for testing

New WF scenario "Attack on the Move" by David Galster has been upload into H2H Productions section.


Verdenne, Belgium [Best played against human.] On December 23, 1944, the eyes of the 116. Panzer Division were already focused past Marche to the north. However, most of the division was still tied down in its old positions south of Hotton and at Samrèe. Air attacks slowed the Ourthe River crossing at LaRoche and the subsequent advance north. Finally on the morning of December 24th, the reconnaisance battalion struck west of Verdenne in a gap between companies of the 334th Regiment, 84th Infantry Division. A counterattack followed, isolating two German rifle companies. General von Manteuffel appeared in Grimbiémont and ordered an "attack on the move." From south of Verdenne, the 156. Panzergrenadier Regiment attacked immediately in an attempt to push the Americans north and link up with their stranded comrades. Then General Bolling ordered the 771st Tank Battalion into action. Attacking from the west, they pushed the panzergrenadiers out of Verdenne. In the late afternoon, Kampfgruppe Bayer joined the attack. Could they retake Verdenne, rescue the reconnaissance battalion and make a breakthrough to the Marche-Hotton road?

Happy haunting :boom2:
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New H2H scenarios available for testing - by Valor - 09-19-2007, 02:19 AM

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