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Night Time is the right time for sleep? Are you kidding??
09-24-2007, 03:59 AM, (This post was last modified: 09-24-2007, 05:25 AM by Volcano Man.)
RE: Night Time is the right time for sleep? Are you kidding??
You have to remember that they gave packs of cigarettes away too. ;) Getting tired? Smoke some cigs and drink some coffee...

The funny thing is, in mechanized warfare soldiers and vehicle crewmen can sleep while the vehicle is moving, day or night. What I learned to do is nap whenever I was sitting in one place -- be it a vehicle that was moving or just stopping for a few minutes. You would be surprised what a few minute "power nap" can do for the batteries. Of course the does not get to sleep but he usually sleeps the most anyway with every stop.

Anyway, night fatigue can be directly controlled by the fatigue recovery value in the PDT file. This value alters the level / rate in which a unit that is not moving recovers its fatigue, but it also alters the severity of fatigue a unit accumulates when moving at night. If you don't like the result then you can raise it. Fatigue recovery is usually set at 10, but you can try 20.

Personally, I always thought that night fatigue / fatigue recovery rate with night fatigue optional rule was fine. Then again, it depends on the person playing. On the offensive, I generally hate to have any unit in red fatigue and will start resting them at that point, if I don't already do that when they are in the yellow. But I have played against others who flatly do not care what the fatigue level of a unit is and would keep attacking until the unit broke. Against a person like this you cannot do anything by throw both sides into a bloody, grinding battle of attrition.

I think that with higher night fatigue then someone will figure out some gamey tactic that it is basically a "no brainer" to move up those heavy armor units at night to spot for the uber artillery barrage which would dish out high quantities of fatigue for the day attack.
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RE: Night Time is the right time for sleep? Are you kidding?? - by Volcano Man - 09-24-2007, 03:59 AM

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