RE: Warning on Jap type 89 tank
Hello Chris,
If I'm not mistaken- the sabot rounds in the FT-17 have a very short range limit.. I've used them before also and found that they were little better than a target drone..
For the Japanese type 89.. I looked one up in the encyclopedia.. the AP round only has a max pen of 3, while the HE has 2.. (unless I'm lookng at the wrong tanks).. possibly what is happening is that the AP penetration is so low, and drops to 2 so quickly, that the game might be defaulting to the HE for perceived 'better' performance.. or perhaps there is a foul-up in the gun data used for the OOB.. haven't looked there yet..
but then again, maybe you've just found out how good IJA tanks were in ww2 ;)