Initial Plan Complete
The initial plan is complete in that all of the forces are in place.
• 4 platoon has arrived on the left flank and it is now ready to turn inwards to take the left flag and to roll up the enemy line
• A company is in position and ready to attack the main flags in the middle with supporting HMGs but is taking a little area fire from the Allied tanks
• 5 platoon is protecting the right flank and potentially ready to go for the far right flag
• Use STuG platoon to support the centre flag attack has been redirected to the left flank to add more weight to the attack about to start
• Tiger platoon has knocked out one T34 platoon and is ready to attack the first flag in concert with the infantry
It was at this point that I decided to review the plan and see if it needed to change with enemy contact. I still hadn’t seen much infantry movement but I now knew for sure, rather than guessing, that there were another two T34 platoons. One was sitting on the hill dominating the centre and fully able to help repulse any infantry attack in the centre.
The second T34 platoon had just moved up from the far flag and had then dipped behind the trees to go out of LOS. It seemed clear that the Allied infantry must be near the flags and that the T34s were providing covering fire. However, what was less clear was whether the T34 platoon that had gone dark were looking to sneak around the back of Tigers and STuGs to pick them off whilst they attacked the infantry/flags.
I had also decided to move the STuGs to be with the Tigers to provide additional mass of firepower but also to get some safety in numbers. However, the movement had not been without its own hazards as I lost two tank commanders to sharpshooters without even seeing where the shots came from -
“if you hear sharp single 'cracks', its a snipers high-velocity rifle having a go at your unbuttoned tank commanders..”.
So, continue with the plan or change it? I decided to change it. It seemed I had an opportunity to penetrate to the Allied rear with my Tigers and surprise the T34s from behind or the 9 o’clock position on the map. If I could win the armour battle then the flags would fall easily. The Axis infantry in the centre had to simply hold their position until those T34s could be dislodged from the hill.
I knew I had an advantage in armour and I wanted to exploit it. What I hadn’t realised was that I was starting to dissipate my advantage. Why and how will become clear soon.