RE: Question on tactics: Assault, assault and assault
Gentlemen - this assault and combat effects discussion has been quite the peppy discourse ! Opinions do indeed differ as to exactly just what is happening. Basically, CS plays like those old classic higher echelon battles - that would have adjacent units for combat - but has utilized some ranged-weapons fire for effects, too.
I also believe that assaults are the games' way to " simulate " some form of close quarter combat . ie. including short-range direct aimed fire by any ranged weapon, big or small, as well as the frantic sort of point blank fire and bayonet-knife fight - hit 'em with anything handy -- this is both a kill or be killed thing or perhaps, mercifully - the accepted surrender - you hope ( reality-wise ).
Now .. no doubt that there are some questionable results .. should assaults be costly all-around or are they too lop-sided in that an attacker doesn't suffer ? Well -- they do -- if you try assaulting an undisrupted unit , especially if it is in some cover ; bad news also if the defender is also more numerous .. and the attacker doesn't know this - or ignores that factor.
As to half-tracks and trucks, maybe a higher value should have been assigned , due to their strategic value ( vehicles gotta be important to an army .. a strictly foot army gets outclassed strategically ) , and thus making their loss significant. And I agree with those that feel that things can get too gamey -- otherwise it is anything goes for everybody , and we just live with it. ( It is negotiable .)
Another thing - tanks' close assaults - what happens here could also represent more than just only weapons' effects .. the losing defender has also become disoriented , confused , responds to slowly, if at all , and essentially panics and the tanks quit , crews might have bailed out , surrendered. But not always - sometimes both parties just plain kinda freeze .. nobody wants to get hurt trying , just yet.
Again ,the discrepancy is always when - " No effect " - happens. Oh, really !! You gotta be kidding me -- in my face and it's - nothing " ! ?
( -- I've had some romantic encounters like that -- but never mind -- got any coco butter ? )
And , as long as I'm talking .. the same goes for those much argued armor and cannon fire ratings. Me .. I think that early war values are OK, but some of the later war years are too effective at too long a range, or are under-rated armor-wise.
In sum , the frustration is that the CS game has limited tweakability to where one could " correct " the designers' values , but then you might well end up with too many versions. Is that a bad thing ? I can't say. Still .. whether you use all options or play it using the default values , -- Hey, boys and girls ... this GAME is a good one !
Says me --
Tom S. ( 5 Leichte Div )