Initial Engagement
The enemy tanks opened fire on the right-hand trench and spent the next minute laying down a withering barrage. If anyone had been in there they would not have survived.
I have only got sound contacts as I have no forward defenses on the right. The platoon on the hill cannot see them either due to the terrain. However, my sharpshooter arrives at the right hand building to witness the enemy forces simply roll forward and over the wire.
I was surprised that the wire didn't slow the tanks up a little more. So could I have put roadblocks there instead i.e. they are not just for roads?
“Tanks just scrunch over wire without much delay. Yes you can put roadblocks off-road” and I was also expecting that the water there would bog the tanks as nearly every time I have been "near" water my tanks have bogged.
“I knew the risk but it’s very slight so I accepted it because my tank approach corridor was narrow and I didn't have much elbow room.”
I thought that the attack on the right would suffer from one or two bogged tanks as it was so close to the water, instead they just sailed [!] through…