RE: What's on your Wish List?
I would love to see any of these on Christmas day.
1. Wash Post headline "Bin Laden captured."
2. Wash Post headline "BCS scrapped after 2007 season."
3. Wash Post headline "Dan Snyder sells Redskins, moves to Mars."
4. Blitz post "The Return of Hirr Leto"
5. Two new titanium alloy kneecaps that would never ache.
6. A lifetime supply of Rogaine.
7. Battlefront admits error, re-aligns effort towards CMx1.
8. Texas Longhorns placed on permanent probation by NCAA.
9. New whiz-bang first-person shooter where the player is in the CM environment, has little stick legs, randomly shouts things like "Did you see that?" and "Ich bin verwoundert!", has an MP-44 and a grenade bundle, etc.
"A bad plan is still better than no plan at all." -- Mikhail Tal