RE: Market-Garden Pontoon Bridges
I now remembered a post from a few years ago that said that, and I confirmed, the reason for the disparity in these values and for the existence of two pdt files was that, in the historical campaign game, the probability of large bridge destruction (the Waal bridges at Nijmegen) is 0%. If I remember correctly, the designer assumed that if no bridges would blow up, no need to build an engineer one, as the pontoon value was 0.
Wherever the probability of destruction is 20% (the alt.pdt), the allies have the pontoon bridge capabiliy at 15.
I remember this from memory and checked the pdt's, but was unable to search for the post. Actually, I am unable to find anything older tham May-June 2006. Is there any way to acess those posts or were they lost when the website was revamped?