RE: PzIV H or t34/85 which is better
These are the Malitz purchased/ destroyed figures for IVH's and 34/85's -
I bought 70x IVH's and lost 52. (That's 74% destroyed)
My oppos bought 15x IVH's and lost 12 (80% dest)
I bought 114x 34/85's and lost 74 (65% dest)
My oppos bought 51x 34/85's and lost 31 (61%)
TOTAL IVH's bought by me and oppos = 85, of which 64 were lost (75%)
TOTAL 34/85's bought by me and oppos = 165, of which 105 were lost (64%)
I'm only a grunt wargamer and not a statistics nut, but the figs are clear that we all lost a lot more IVH's (75%) than we did 34/85's (64%)
But leaving all the figures aside, my own gut feeling from 6 years of playing CM is that the IVH and 34/85 are so equal that I personally can't tell them apart and don't know if any can be said to be better than the other because they've both got pros and cons (speed, armour, size etc etc)