Mad Russian Wrote:Another that is no myth.....
I worked for a large plastics manufacturing firm. One night about 20 years ago we had cars that were in a train that derailed in the Dallas-Ft Worth area.
A couple months later every company that had cars in that train were sued.
A woman got pregnant and the cause was the train derailment.
Now she was smarter than just getting pregnant from a train derailment.....
She and her lawyer settled out of court with more than 100 companies for $10,000 each from each company. It was cheaper to settle out of court than fight them in court.
I couldn't believe our company settled out of court but the economics of it won out for them.
So, if you thought there was only one way for a woman to get pregnant...think want to have the chances of conception go up, just be near a train derailment. Apparently that is a powerful enhancement to the entire pregnancy process...
Good Hunting.
I think I might just come back in the next life as a TRAIN...LOL