I advanced too early on Burg Rueland's ford. Smoke was laid and I moved PZ-IV's forward. One platoon was forced to retreat towards the ford by two infantry platoons. They ended up next to at least 2 platoons of engineers that promptly destroyed them with op fire after I moved a Panther up for support.
In the Kampfgruppe Telkamp area I decided to move a company of PZ-IV's towards a ridge line in the hopes of a quick grab of a 500 vp hex. OP fire was set and three platoons of panzers were in the woods. They were engaged by a battery of 105 mm howitzers that destroyed a tank and disrupted the rest of the platoon. The other two platoons engaged the battery but in doing so exposed their rear to a platoon of Greyhound scouts on a hill behind them. Three more panzers were destroyed before the Greyhounds were dispatch by infantry and the remainder of the battery gunned down by the infantry's half tracks. I hope to find a couple more batteries of howitzers judging by the artillery I have been receiving in the last few turns.
The main body of the Kampfgruppe have almost gained the ridge line. American trucks were sent to block our advance but were quickly dispatched. To make the sacrifice worthwhile I expect some enemy tanks to be very close on the other side of the hill. One panther was able to look out over the valley to the east but quickly pulled back before being able to spot any enemy movement.
I'm taking a risk in Schoenburg by moving double timing infantry down the west slope into the wood line right next to the fords. If there are many forces remaining there besides a couple of spotters their OP fire is off. I expect heavy casualties but if German spotters remain after the American move then my artillery should do some good work.
I'm more cautious on the east side of the town, expanding by bridgehead.