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The First Blitzkrieg
04-13-2008, 06:29 AM,
RE: The First Blitzkrieg
Tortue_Agile Wrote:From the user manual

Quote:Mechanized Factors

The Attacker Mechanized Factor represents the weighted average mechanized factor over all the attacking units. The Attacker Mechanized Factor is

sum0 / total0

· sum0 is the sum of all terms
attacker_strength * attacker_armor,
· total0 is the total of all attacker_strength.

The Defender Mechanized Factor represents the weighted average mechanized factor over all defending units. The Defender Mechanized Factor is

sum1 / total1

· sum1 is the sum of all terms
defender_strength * (defender_armor + defender_anti_tank)
· total1 is the total of all defender_strength.

Note that the defender gets the benefit of their anti-tank values where the attacker does not.

Note also that for a single attacker and defender, the Attacker Mechanized Factor is simply the Attacker's armor value and the Defender Mechanized Value is simply the sum of the defender's armor and anti-tank values.

Mechanized Quotient

For a given armor value Arm and a corresponding Mechanized Factor Mech of the opposing side, the corresponding Mechanized Quotient is given to be

Arm / Mech

except that:
· If the Armor value is 0, then the Mechanized Quotient is 1.
· This value never greater than a parameter data value, which by default is 2.
· This value never is less than 1 over the parameter data value, which by default is 1/2.

I am still struggling to understand how it works Big Grin

If we look at the 1st DLM:
strength 84, Armor 39, combat 8/8, AT3, AA1

and the 1st DCR
strength 44, Armor 60, combat 10/8, AT3, AA0

What is important to look at to know how each division will perform in attack?
I think there are a number of things to look at, but unfortunately I am not an expert on how it all works. But best I can tell, after calculating the Mech Quotient using the above, the results are used to adjust the odds for the attack by the quotient, or ratio. Ultimately, if the defender has not armor or AT rated units, the adjustment would be to double the odds for either unit. But if a single DCR is attacking, compared to a single DLM, against a defender with armor/at values, it would normally get a higher adjustment to the odds, but with a lower odds to begin with.

In other words, let's say the defender has a strength of 44, same as the DCR, and about half that of the DLM. The DCR would have a basic odds for the attack of 1:1, I believe, based on the same strength, and the DLM would be 1.91. Assuming there are no other adjustments except the armor adjustment, for which let's assume the defender has a defensive mech factor of 30 - I don't know if that is reasonable or not, but any lower and the DLM would be much stronger. Using the 30, the DCR would get an adjustment of 2 times, as its attack mech factor is 60, and 2 times is the max allowed. This would make the DCR attack at 2:1.

The DLM would get a mech modifier of 39/30, or 1.3, making its odds 2.48, or about 25% higher than the DCR would get. Again, if the defender had a lower mech rating, the DLM odds would be higher, and thus its advantage in the attack would be higher, by at much as 90% if both units achieved a 2:! ratio in mech factors over the defender.

Now this is ALL without any friendly units participating the attack. If any did and they were not mech/motorized, then the weaker DCR would have much less impact on the combat based on the way the ratio is calculated, related to the strength of each unit to weight things, so based on all of this, I would still have to say that things seem good here.

[Image: exercise.png]
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The First Blitzkrieg - by Tortue Agile - 04-12-2008, 02:23 AM
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RE: The First Blitzkrieg - by Tortue Agile - 04-12-2008, 03:05 AM
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RE: The First Blitzkrieg - by Tortue Agile - 04-12-2008, 02:09 PM
RE: The First Blitzkrieg - by Ricky B - 04-13-2008, 06:29 AM
RE: The First Blitzkrieg - by Tortue Agile - 04-14-2008, 06:59 AM

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