In way of an introduction . . .
Howdy boys,
I'm the former "Gnrl Confusion" from the gamesquad forums. Since there's already a player here with a similar call sign, I've joined as Scud. Hope no one minds.
I'm presently in the throes of finding a scenario that's evenly balanced and that my opponent, John Given, and I hopefully haven't played or haven't played in a long time. I hate looking for scenarios. I found something this time, but . . .
I'm thinking it would be nice if the club could have "packages" set up that would contain the most evenly balanced scenarios so that, instead of searching for something, I could just propose challanging an opponent to scenario pack #3, which might contain 5 scenarios. We'd then just play each one in order 'til all 5 were done. Or scenario pack #6, which might contain 10 scenarios, etc. New packs could be added all the time, as new scenarios are created and tested for balance. Some pacs could be for smaller games, others for larger or mixed.
Sure would make it easier. I think I suggested it on Gamesquad once, but never got any interest.
Any thoughts? I'm new here and it's an old club, so if it's already been done or suggested, my apologies. If anyone thinks it deserves a try, any ideas setting something up?
By the way, I have a lot of experience, but don't consider myself all that great a player. I prefer loose turn around times; play the turn when you're in the mood, not 'cause you feel you have to. If anyone's looking for an opponent now or in the future, keep me in mind. As for the scenario . . . you pick.
Resolve then, that on this very ground, with small flags waving and tinny blasts on tiny trumpets, we shall meet the enemy, and not only may he be ours, he may be us. --Walt Kelly