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Dog Fight - Ostkreig Tournament Round 1
05-14-2008, 02:01 PM, (This post was last modified: 05-15-2008, 02:42 PM by von Nev.)
RE: Dog Fight - Ostkreig Tournament Round 1
German Turn 2:

Both divisions continue to quickly move towards their attack positions. However, prior to the arrival of any other elements of the divisions, the recon units do extensive recon spotting of the areas in front of their attack positions. Recon spotting is a function that is VERY handy and really makes the recon units work as they would normally. In this case they spot the minefield belt around Mogilev as well as spot more mines on the western side of the Dnepr. Through recon I spotted the Russian AT unit in travel mode that was previously opposite the 10th Motorized crossing point. A quick attack by Stukas destroyed all 10 guns.

The 10th Panzer Division units are assembling in the woods north of the river behind the hill. This area is out of sight from the Russians and all units advance to this area on a covered route (hopefully unseen). The divisional artillery will setup northwest of the town also out of sight. The guns will be in a position that can range all the way to the bridge crossing in southern Mogilev.

The 10th Motorized is rapidly assembling just west of their intended crossing site on the other side of the forest out of sight from the Russians. Since the division will be crossing under fire I intend to have maximum units be able to pummel that infantry unit just on the eastern side of the river as the engineers build the bridge. The divisional artillery will be setup northwest of the crossing site along the rail line and will range to the bridges in southern Mogilev. The regimental guns will setup just behind the forest to the west of the crossing site.

As I mentioned earlier, but it is worth saying again, I do not want to be exposed to the Russian arty unnecessarily. It can lay crushing barrages on any unit caught in the open. These are VP points that I cannot afford to lose. This is the why I am taking so many measures to make sure the Russians cannot see me. Additionally, by not exposing my units I can hopefully hide my true intentions as long as possible. :stir:

[Image: S41TourneyTurn2a.jpg]
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RE: Dog Fight - Ostkreig Tournament Round 1 - by von Nev - 05-14-2008, 02:01 PM

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