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New CM Campaign: Battle for Rikonovo
06-05-2008, 09:37 PM,
RE: New CM Campaign: Battle for Rikonovo
How it work -- first of a series of posts to give players an idea of how this is meant to work.

In Rikonovo, each DAY is broken down into 6 TURNS (four 3-hour DAY turns and two 4-hour NIGHT turns)
TURN 1: 00h00 - 06h00 (night)
TURN 2: 06h00 - 09h00 (dawn)
TURN 3: 09h00 - 12h00 (midday)
TURN 4: 12h00 - 15h00 (midday)
TURN 5: 15h00 - 18h00 (dusk)
TURN 6: 18h00 - 24h00 (night)

Each DAY TURN contains 3 IMPULSES.
Each NIGHT TURN contains only 1 IMPULSE.

IMPULSES are guide for me to determine what actions units are able to execute during a TURN.
Each action by a unit uses up a set number of IMPULSES:

Movement of set number of hexes (according to movement chart -- more of that later) - 1 IMPULSE
Unit Deployment (say from road march to attack formation) - 1 IMPULSE
Unit Digging in (foxholes & daisychain mines) - 2
Digging Trenches (& laying minefields) - 14 -- presence of Pioneers and Engineers reduces this to 10 IMPULSES.
Building roadblocks (engineer or pioniers only) - 2
Regroup Units after battle - 1 (Russ 2)
Rally Unit - 1
Refuel and Rearm Unit - 2 (Russ 3) - after battle regrouping and rearming/refueling can share same IMPULSE.
Rearrange unit OOB's - 1 (Russ 2)
React to main HQ Orders - 1 (Russ 2) -- this reflects better radio comms and verbal order on German side.
Contact Battle off March, or Meeting Engagement - 1 IMPULSE -- deployment here is part of the battle and doesn't use up any more IMPULSES
Prepare for Deliberate Attack - 1 (Russ 2)

So for example, German Unit X is given the following orders at the SITREP at end of TURN 2:
Regroup and absorb Pz Reinforcements, Move to village Y, Deploy for Deliberate Attack on Village Z.
Starting at beginning of TURN 3 (09h00 - 12h00): 1 IMPULSE for Orders, 1 IMPULSE for Regroup, say 1 IMPULSE worth of road march, 1 IMPULSE for attack deployment.
So, Unit X's attack will only commence during the 2nd IMPULSE of the next TURN, at approx 13h00.
(this doesn't include any random FOW die rolls like delayed orders, fuel problems, vehicle breakdowns etc... or of course whatever the Russians are up to at the same time)

If this is confusing, don't worry -- I as TM will be acting as each CO's chief of staff.
A CO will give the order, and then get a report as to the earliest when the attack will begin.
Same as for estimated arrivals of moving units etc.


At the end of every TURN, I will prepare a SITREP Map for each CO, which will sum up all the actions from the previous TURN and status of ongoing actions, movements, battles.

Each CO will then issue orders for their units and battlegroup commanders for the next TURN.

During each turn there might also be a constant flow of reports, updates and AAR's from the battle group commanders on the HQ MB's during each of the IMPULSES.
CO's can issue additional orders at any time during an IMPULSE, but the way and speed with which units actually react to these orders is governed by the IMPULSE rules.

When enemy units come into contact, BATTLE can be joined (depending on a units standing orders or decision by the local battle commander).

I will build a custom 1000 x 1000m map and 20 turn scenario based on the dominant terrain represented in each hex, and the forces allocated to each battle group by their respective CO's.
The standard 21Turn battle will take up ONE Impulse. Larger assault battles may be set up for up to 40 turns taking up 1 - 3 IMPULSES.

At the end of the battle, depending on the material situation, if unit have achieved objectives, suffered too many casualties -- either side will decide what to do next.
Battles will be sent back to the TM after completion of turn 20... I will provide each side with an AAR.
Battlegroup commanders are of course free to share with their CO's any battlefield intel gained during the battle as well.

For example: If a defender holds on and decides to stand in the position after the enemy's attack fails, the attacker can decide to attack again. If the attacker decides to add reinforcements to his attacks, 1 IMPULSE will be taken up for Regrouping PLUS any IMPULSES necessary to move these reinforcements into position.

Attackers may decide to advance right after the battle without rearming/regrouping/refuelling, but this will carry Readyness and Casualty penalties.
(the advantage of having fresh exploitation units in position is clear here)

Vehicle and gun casualties are counted individually.
Personnel casualties will be handled by rounding up or rounding down into complete platoons (keeping track of losse with any more detail will be way too much work)

Abandoned vehicles may be recovered by the side in control of the battlefield after any action, subject to die rolls.

OK, back to work for me... more to follow.
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RE: New CM Campaign: Battle for Rikonovo - by Rico (FGM) - 06-05-2008, 09:37 PM

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