RE: Replaying moves and the patch
There are lots of reasons to save midturn. Resuming a turn isn't replaying a turn. I've experimented with the save counter, and all it will do is say that there were more than 2 saves, not how many. It won't prevent cheating. Along with CS I play Panzer Campaigns. The complete bulge scenario involves hundreds of units per side. It literally takes hours to play a turn and the screensaver on my laptop freezes the game. It is not feasable to play without saving midturn. The same is true for CS scenarios with 10 complexity. Anyway, I play for fun (and so far lose 2 out of 3) and assume my opponent does also. If I'm first or last on the ladder I'm still going to have to get up and go to work, pay taxes, and scoop waste out of the cats litterbox! If cheating at these games could change that it might be worth considering.