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First impression report Attacking disrupted units
07-13-2008, 07:04 AM,
RE: First impression report Attacking disrupted units
Ok..........if the assault rules are similar to the original game then I am all for them.The leader and truck thing is obviously a bug as Huib pointed out.I have found it ridiculous that a 2 strength unit can hold off 3 Panther platoons just because it is not disrupted....almost as ridiculous as a 1 strength rifle platoon taking out a 6 strength disrupted anything....I always thought that was what the assault tables were for...........you make your assault..you takes your chances.............you want gauranteed success...bring enough to do the bloody job! If adding realism means guys can't play the game engine the way they are used to.........I say bring it on........like all good commanders we will adapt over time...and we're all good commanders here right :-)

As for artillery against armor;I have never been a fan of the concept that arty always fires at 1 against armor.....it appears to be based on one early war study done by the Brits........if you don't think arty can hurt armor ask the Germans who were at Normandy,Salerno, and Kursk.......the arty,naval gunfir, and Katyushas knocked the dogsnot out of German armor in all those battles....besides to disable any afv all that needs be done is blow a tread...or wheel.....or whatever.....doesn't matter how big it is without it's mobility.

von Earlmann
(I have to go back to the campaigns now)

A word to the wise for the Beta Brigade..."If you try to please everyone;you end up losing your own ass".....taken from a very wise joke about a man and his donkey trying to cross a bridge.
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RE: First impression report Attacking disrupted units - by Von Earlmann - 07-13-2008, 07:04 AM

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