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Ed (Herr Laufer, RR or Silkster)
07-23-2008, 05:11 AM,
RE: Ed (Herr Laufer, RR or Silkster)
Attention - Alert Alert Alert

For anyone who is tired of me trying to answer comments and then repeating myself, which I cannot help, please do not read below this line.
If you do please do not complain about it afterword?

Mr. Guberman Wrote:Ed,

I cannot but more, indeed, appreciate your passion. But let me be frank.
You have proclaimed that "I have personally never played any of your (Guberman's) scenarios" (when actually you have played one...a long time ago, and it seems...enjoyed it), so would not comment on this or that during forum discussion. Well stated, and well respected.

Well, well, well. Indeed if you said I played one then you are correct. If I stated on the forums that I have never played one of yours I am incorrect. Good for you.
I am also glad I enjoyed the experience, playing under the old assault rules.
And, I think my most recent comments that may have ruffled your feathers was something to the effect of, "the new close assault rules will make any scenario where bunkers and pillboxes are available to the enemy, unplayable."
I got to admit you tried hard to paint a picture of me that was not there?

Mr. Guberman Wrote:Let me be very clear. My scenarios are as historically accurate as I can see to make them. My OOB's are microscopic. My victory conditions are dyslexic (and they bleed), as they have to be "translated into the game format" (ask Huib, he has been more help than an animal deserves), but the maps, et al are everything that they should be. The idea of "translating them to game format" is anathema to me.
Game format?...Hogwash...

You are clear, and I agree with the first part of your paragraph, that your games are historically accurate. I can see that just by looking at them.
The other part is not so clear, but I think you are saying that you do not want the game to play "balanced" as long as historical accuracy is maintained?
On that we disagree. It is both an historical simulation and a game. If I want pure history I will read an historical book on the subject. At the moment our Ladders for reporting games are "gaming" ladders.
Balancing a game is a factor of more than history without losing the flavor of the history itself?

Mr. Guberman Wrote:I think, all that the "redesign" (to 1.03), as you have referred to it, is doing is to try and make it less of a game...and more of a simulation. If Squad Leader was an arcade game...and Advanced SL was a simulation...(and truely I don't know the difference at all [as I was plaing SPI and you AH dorks were not], but just as an example)...then I would find myself succoring to the simulation, even if it was more laborious.

Ah, nice choice. Yes, Squad Leader and Advanced Squad leader were both simulations. The former favored ease of play and latter one favored those who like to stick their noses into rule books each time they moved or fired. Just what a great board game needed. I wonder how Avalon Hill is doing with Advanced Squad Leader today?
For the record I played many games from SPI and many other game companies. Do not try and use my one example as an illustration of the whole picture. It is part of your strawman, not reality.

And, as a point of clarification. I did not say the variable visibility and close assault rules were a redesign. I said they fundamentally changed the game. Yes, the very way the game can be played has changed. If you find untruth in that statement then sobeit?
If you are going to say it is the same game, you can be proven wrong. And, it will not be me that have to tell you so.
It does not take a rocket scientist to play some of the old scenarios and see that they are completely changed.

Mr. Guberman Wrote:My group of friends started playing Panzer Blitz. Soon there were the "winners", who quickly left us to go on to other things and then call us dorks; then there were those freaks who labored over charts and calculations (I found myself in that crowd...let us not get into the many layers of freakdom)...the only players still left, after all of these years are some of the freaks...none of the heroes who split remain...hopefully they are rich movers and shakers...

This is a terrible strawman and I'm rather insulted that your choice of words was so droll.

Mr. Guberman Wrote:I cannot express it enough...the guys who stay around here are not the Friday night drag racers...the keepers are guys like von Earlmann, Jason, Majog, Osiris, the Czech guy (who I can't remember know, sorry), Huib, YOU (I suppose, though you so much sound like an arcader right now), Hawk (who will playtest a battle between our mothers in law if need be [thanx Hawk...and I expect some feedback soon, since you had the old copies of the Java scens])...and so many unamed heroes and on and on and on.

Here again, you simply take a shot at me. I think that Hawk left this in and I can now make comment upon it.
You want frank talk? You want to take shots at me? LOL!
No, I do not count myself in with those you name. They are obviously more talented and intellegent than this "little general".
Every single person you mentioned, has contributed greatly to the game and the club. I may not fully agree with one of the people named but, I am sure he had good intentions and has time to fix what what done to the game.

Mr. Guberman Wrote:Please, Ed...don't lose it only because you may lose a single battle (no freaks allowed).

Now Curt, your strawmen in previous comments have stretched it to the limit. This one above is really lousy.

Remember now, I think this is just an arcade game? I guess I do not have enough IQ to play a real simulation, right? **dripping sarcasm**
I've seen more gamey-ness in play since the upgrade to version 1.03. I can tell you ways to use the new rules to really make the "simulation" really gamey and add that "dose of realism" that everyone was going for.
Some say that they find the old assault rules unrealistic and many cry that they fall victim to them. LOL! They haven't seen anything yet, in the way of gamey-ness.

Remember I am only a person who is fixated on winning?
I do not care for the club or the game, if one of your strawmen is correct?

You must not have looked at my .507 win/loss record lately? I think I have lost more games than most members will play in their span of time here.
And, if you look at my draws you can probably get any number of players who could step forward and say "hey, I remember when Ed was showing me how to play the game, when he only took draws until I beat him."
You have a real loser of an argument there, my friend.

If I win I want to win fairly and if I lose I also like to lose fairly. How long will it be before a patch is released that fixes the glitches that make for even more gamey play?
The shame here is that you see it that way.

Matrix and the crew could have easily put the variable visibility rules in as an option. When they put them in and got the reaction they did they changed them to tone them down. But, there was not enough time to make them optional?
Even still they came out with the new close assault rules. If they were in love with them so much but knew that others would not like them why did they not make the old assault rules optional?

This way those who like the game as is could have chosen to opt out of VV and CA changes?
Instead we had this shoved down our throats so that the "little arcade players" would be given no choice but to walk and leave the "big bad simulation dudes" to have their fun?

The seven "P's" of success really were ignored. That is the whole shame of it. The Matrix reaction to the players reactions kinda tells the real story?

Mr. Guberman Wrote:Harsh I know....but sheesh you see what I've lost in the last year...Makes you a better (bitter?) person.

Harsh? Only in the fact that you attacked the strawman and attempted to insult me in the process. Then you fall back on what personal things you have gone through?
Sheesh! Keep your personal stuff personal. I do and I have. Otherwise you may have been able to share in a bit of the misery of others instead of using your's as a shield.
Some of my bad days are in the past, while others are just before me.
We all go through stuff in our lives. I'm not going to wear mine out on the forums.

And lastly, since you could not figure out the meaning of my name changes, I'll shed a little light for you.
When I joined the club I did so under my current name, Silkster53. I changed it to Herr Straus Lauefer when the club site actually support German letters and the game was a lot more fun. I then changed it to Mr. RoadRunner because the German letters showed up as boxes in the name, and the game was still fun. I reverted back to Silkster53 because it is not fun anymore and I wanted to go back to my original registered name.

You can take it from here but, this is my final say on the subject.
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RE: Ed (Herr Laufer, RR or Silkster) - by Herr Straße Laufer - 07-23-2008, 05:11 AM

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