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Dog Fight - Ostkreig Tournament Round 1
07-27-2008, 06:29 AM, (This post was last modified: 07-28-2008, 01:17 AM by von Nev.)
Thumbs_Up  RE: Dog Fight - Ostkreig Tournament Round 1
The End - German Epilogue

Overall, this was a fun, suspenseful and challenging scenario. The scenario was even made more challenging with the excellent defensive play of Dog Soldier. He did exactly what needs to be done to contain German offenses in S41 (or any other PzC title). He used his numerous infantry units to create numerous defensive lines which contained any break in the first line to just a local threat and he used his artillery to pound the German spearheads. These two strategies in S41 do not guarantee a Russian victory but it makes S41 a very challenging (and sometimes frustrating) title for any German player.

In retrospect I would not have dramatically changed my strategy or my game-play. The first blows west of the Dnepr nearly destroyed the entire Russian 172nd Rifle Division and the subsequent two pronged attack once over the Dnepr were close enough that I could rapidly reinforce each axis while (hopefully) far enough that the Russian foot infantry could not do the same. Also, both the 10th PzD and the 10th Motorized Divisions were relatively worn out by the end of the game. After looking over the Russian OOB at the end of the game it was apparent that the Russians still had more forces and some were very fresh. If I would have divided the German forces I think the German divisions would have had a harder time of it. One could argue that a different crossing point was better, but success at an alternate crossing point still predicated on getting a breakthrough. With the excellent defensive play of Dog Soldier I think that would still have been in doubt. All in it was a balanced scenario.


Summary of how the game played out.

[Image: S41TourneyTurn25end1.jpg]
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RE: Dog Fight - Ostkreig Tournament Round 1 - by von Nev - 07-27-2008, 06:29 AM

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