RE: Assault Rules...Outcome
Good to hear 'Huib'! Right now, my game sits on my system unused. I look forward to this 'fix'.
Just a thought, maybe something like this could be used for all 'variable' effects changes, such as 'assault' situations..........
I think everyone is familiar with the 'set advantage slider'. You know the one with the axis on one 'end' and the allies on the other? Why not incorporate such a 'device' for 'assaults', 'visibility'. So the assault 'slider' would have say 'attacker' on one end and 'defender' on the other. Then everybody could set the 'advantage' as they saw fit!
The one size fits all approach always confused me. Everyone's abilities to conduct a given operation is always the same as each others? I would think the Russian, mass charges might fall into the 'slider' to the defenders side category. Oh yeah, you have to have a 'slider' for each side.
Any 'variable' would benefit from being able to 'detail' various aspects of the game. Say 'artillery' response time and effectiveness!?
The point being, there are other ways to introduce changes into the game and yet retain the ability of players to keep their 'version'. Not everything in 1.03 is in the 'contention' category. New unit types for instance. Maybe such things should always be brought out separately, so they don't get 'tied into' the operation revision aspects.