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An Answer to Some Complaints
10-28-2008, 12:02 AM,
An Answer to Some Complaints
Panzer Campaigns is a very good, if not great, game system. We all wouldn't be talking about it here if we didn't like the game! Being human, however, we often point out the flaws, annoyances, mistakes, or bugs in the system :hissy:; some are valid, some are perceived, and some are merely differing opinions about how something should be modeled. The recent thread on ZOCs illustrates this, and the wisdom of HPS providing an editor once again shines.

Nonetheless, I believe there is a point we tend to gloss over when faced with these "realism" issues. I've said this before, but rarely has anyone responded so here I go again... :soap:

It is easy to become so enamored with the detail presented in the game that we forget that even with all the individual guns & tanks & men accounted for, we are still left with an abstraction. For example, that 1 vehicle armd car unit that is blocking your advance with its ZOC may not actually be just a single armd car (Don't tune me out just yet) because, except for maybe N44, the OOBs in the game are not comprehensive and complete. There are combat units and rear area units NOT represented; BTW some Designer's Notes actually admit this.

For instance. here are some specific examples:
1. If that armd car unit is from the 9th SS PzDiv in MG44, it actually includes a few hundred panzergrenediers not shown by the single unit of 30 vehicles.
2. B44 has US and German recon units that consist just of vehicles, yet everyone of them had at least a coy of combat inf and usually a btl. as an inherent part of them.
3. StuG Bgds and Tiger Btls throughout the game are represented by vehicle only units. What about the inherent infantry, pioneer, and AA assets?
4. Maybe that small AA unit that just cut off your two btls is more than a few vehicles but actually includes the Divisional or Corps Escort Coy/Btls usually ignored in the game, but were used in both offensive and defensive ops.
5. The vast numbers of Allied AA units are ignored or absorbed into units.
6. What about all those cooks, butchers, bands, and the like who we read about getting thrown into the front lines to fight? Sometimes we see them in the OOB, most times not. Who's to say they're not supporting that HQ holding up your attack?
7. Sometimes ATGs are thir own unit and sometimes they're assumed to be in an infantry unit. (Think about how that affects the ATG retreat dilemma that critcis bring up!)

I could go on.

My point is that I had to come to the place of accepting the "realism anomalies" because the system is more abstact than I'd like to admit; I won't be seduced by the great detail represented. As a result, I no longer grimace, gripe, or complain when my opponent cuts off retreats with lone vehicle ZOCs, holds up my advance with lone guns, leads an advance with AA or AT guns, uses HQs at the front, when ATGs can't/can retreat, etc..... It's all a matter of perspective. I breathe easier; life is good. :)

I hope I make sense.

Enjoy the game,
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Messages In This Thread
An Answer to Some Complaints - by Rev Rico - 10-28-2008, 12:02 AM
RE: An Answer to Some Complaints - by fastphil - 10-28-2008, 01:46 AM
RE: An Answer to Some Complaints - by Mr Grumpy - 10-28-2008, 06:47 AM
RE: An Answer to Some Complaints - by Marquo - 10-28-2008, 10:57 AM
RE: An Answer to Some Complaints - by Dog Soldier - 10-29-2008, 06:26 AM
RE: An Answer to Some Complaints - by Zemke - 11-01-2008, 10:29 AM

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