RE: Main Engine Improvement Request
I've always taken this point in discussions and yet there are player - plenty of them that absolutely have to be able to Micro manage things or they would complain and call it a bug.
I once asked for a fiunction that would add or remove a couple MPs of the posted rate - but that would lead to people opeing and cosing the game or saved files trying to get a die roll where some key unit would just have enough MPs to get out or move to a certain hex.
...and then there are those who like to use the save MPs with HQs to be able to move and then put in Deployed mode.
HQs use the Soft Attack Range as the Command Range and can't attack as you know - but if you put an attack value is, as is the case in most games [accidentially] then you can save MPs to move and HQ and still have MPs to take it out of T mode. I removed that range value in Sicily and when that title was new this "lost feature" was noticed and reported as a bug.
When you get down to the short strokes, players don't like losing control and when more luck comes into play with how far a unit can or should be able to go, then it can introduces suspicion as to whether your oponent is doing something fishy.