Lord Bane has suggested fog at midday which would allow the units to see 752 meters, or about half of the map. We are waiting on Matteponk's response.
In the meantime, a few notes on fighting in Winter weather - it really changes your tactics.
Bad weather means that vehicles will bog more easily and units will tire more easily. A mad dash that would work in warm weather might turn your infantry into exhausted mush in Winter.
The snow setting represents roughly 8 inches of snow. According to the manual, wheeled vehicles will get stuck frequently and and even tracked vehicles will find the going tougher. (I don't expect to see any trucks.)
A methodical infantry heavy approach might be the answer. Halftracks could be an option for the heavy weapons as a large hill separates the two armies and blocks their sight of each other.
Each commander will need to rely more on intuition as less information will be available. The snow and fog will deaden sound contacts and make unit identification more difficult. Slower movement will mean that each commander needs to decide right the first time - there won't be as much time for maneuver once the enemy is discovered.
The soldiers prepare themselves to move out into the bitter cold....
"Most sorts of diversion in men, children, and other animals, are in imitation of fighting." - Jonathan Swift