RE: Bolt out of the Blue 4.1 posted
Off subject of course or i wouldnt be following my MO, i had a 1/4 inch of my bolt fly out of the chamber once, what to do, the goddamn thing by looking at it was from vietnam, all i could do was pull out my sidearm, .45 at first then 9mm sidearm at the time, really accurate at about 10 meters (that is metric) after that might as well shot yourself. It was alot damn easier than putting up with this cpu crap. I can speak 3 languages and im typing on a Russian keyboard (special order sorry. sister sent it to her) she is from Moscow and if u watch NASCAR uve seen her, they interview her all the time, funny thing is i met her in a bar. Again i will apologize ive been drinkin a little bit but not over 3/5ths
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