**New Tournament Ideas**
What about this ideas?
A Team-game Tournament: Find your/s teammates (2-4 players). The best is that they were your usual team mates. If you're new to the team game experience the Tournament Master will create your team with some other club members. It will be a single scenario Tournament with a large scenario (number of units, map, etc), but of a moderate number of turns (less than 100 turns if possible).
Various-games Tournament: just like the ones that we are already playing.
One-game Tournament: Like Anvil of Victory Tournament (Normandy), Hungary 44-The prelude Tournament (Budapest), Bagration Tournament (Minsk), etc
Mirrored play style Tournament.
Not mirrored play style Turnament.
Theme based Tournament (like the Grossdeutchland Tournament based upon an unit, or a general, a city, etc).
Other ideas...