Discussion number 1 on the Alt oob
My first discussion is on encosed SP units ( Stug, SU152 ETC ) . This discusison is related to the alt oob
I have played now nearly three alt version campaigns to the finish so I feel qualified to comment. First of all I like the alt OOB Its factual and the fire values of all units seems good ( especially infantry ) .
I think that the defence value of these enclosed SP units is generally way too high. ( Not in tems of actual armour but in terms of tactical mobilty - which needs to be reflected in defence values as we have nothing else). These guns were I understood were cheaper to build than turret units and used to give infantry support from enemy armour or give infantry support to supress enemy units with fire before assault. Most importantly in the game they should be designed to be stacked with infantry to be protected fom enemy infantry assault.
In my games I see these units operating openly without any regard to the dangerous issues these units should face . esp the SU152 - its lethal even to assault when isolated but on its own it should be easy to take out.
I would have thought for enclosed SP units, work out the actual armour values but then for enclosed SP units halve it. This will mean players will dig them in ( to recover defence against enemy armour ) , not assault with them and not leave them without infantry support. They still get their good fire values when they fire - thats fine. If these SP units were as good in real action as in the game no turret tanks would need to be built ... but they were.
Open SP guns already have low defensive values which seem ok already.
So thats my call to arms... no doubt Edward VM will have something to say:bow:
My key bord in kacjkered so forgive typos