RE: Chaning attachments
Attachment is set at a certain level by the design in that title. Each title can have a different level of attachment as can each side (Axis different than Allies) within the title to reflect the command structure flexibility to adapt to changes as the battle progresses.
Some independent units attached at the corps levels in some titles can move up to the army level or change between armies.
As a very general rule...
Expect the flexibility to be the least in the Russian forces, better in the British, with the Americans and Germans showing the most flexibility. Some titles have special mechanics to allow Krampgruppes to be formed as were historically required by a desperate battle being depicted. The titles are well designed to allow some changes, but not complete micromanagement to correct any situation. As commander you will be faced with choices to lose command control to exploit an opportunity or pass such an opportunity by. The ramifications are more subtle than they appear on the surface. A well trained eye, from experience, can tell when the enemy is over reaching or disorganized and take advantage of this.
The best thing to do is try to maintain the historical chain of command, but take some time on the first midnight turn of the game to see what is possible and plan accordingly.
Dog Soldier
Fast is fine, but accuracy is everything.
- Wyatt Earp