Minute 16:
Within the space of three minutes Moondog has lost his vet Tiger and two regular stugs, while Arrow still has his four Shermans. Moondog is down to a regular stug and a crack Pz IVH. This is all he has to keep Arrow's AFVs from overrunning him and his men. Here at the beginning of minute 16, he is being oh so careful. He gingerly wedges his last stug safely between a house and some trees. Arrow's two Shermies downtown are blocked by buildings and the other two are blocked by a tall hedge. Surely this stug can relax here and leisurely area fire some US infantry, right?
WRONG - about 30 seconds into the turn a US shell mysteriously slams into the vehicle, knocking it out. Where did that shell come from?
Turns out it was from Arrow's last living 57mm gun. Remember that sweet spot in the woods? Well here it is from Arrow's viewpoint. A knockout from over 700 meters!
From Moondog's view, the gun is so far away he only gets a sound contact icon for about 40 seconds, and then even that disappears. That means if Moondog isn't paying extremely close attention, he may even miss the sound contact icon, and will have no information at all as to what hit him. He's also already used up his 81mm mortars. Interestingly, here we can see how odd the FOW can be. Though over 700 meters away, if Moondog were to zoom down over the generic icon here, he could actually hear the US crew shout "We got him!" That's why it pays to pan the camera all around the battleground - you may pick up some hints from the enemy that way.
Only one bad break for Arrow - one of his Shermans immobilized while moving through a field towards the church. But it is still in a fairly good spot to use its gun.
Meanwhile, Moondog's once proud German tank force has now been reduced to one Elite Panzer IVH. Only one card left to play vs. 4 Shermans and a hiding 57mm ATG! Now where are all those guys who were saying the Allies don't have a chance in CMAK?
What would you armchair commanders do at this point with that last Elite Pz IVH?
"Most sorts of diversion in men, children, and other animals, are in imitation of fighting." - Jonathan Swift