RE: Chaning attachments
Maybe, but the fact remains that the Allies *did* rearrange, and in some quite significant ways. Allocating and reallocating various units of 79th Armd Div is an obvious example, as is the way 1st and 4th SS Bdes ended up under 6th AB Div. Too there is the deleberate flexibility the US Army gave itself with a plethora of independant tank and A-Tk bns. At a higher level, the 11th Armd Div, to take one example, re-organised itself during the campaign into two 'square' bdes, each of two inf and two armd bns.
The semi-fixed OoB only makes sense if you think that a good game is like a movie, in which you are merely an observer along for the ride. If you think that the player - who is after all taking the role of supreme commander (Eisenhower, or Rommel/Rundstedt) - should be able to restructure his forces as he sees fit, then I don't think it makes a lot of sense.