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AIW Tourney Final Results!
05-09-2009, 12:59 AM, (This post was last modified: 07-04-2009, 11:43 PM by TheBigRedOne.)
RE: AIW Tourney Thread
AIW Tourney Round One:

Battle of Bir Lahfan-1: The Fatal Assumption


On the second day of the war, 6 June 1967, General Tal's division made
its way through northern Sinai, proceeding towards the Suez Canal in two
axes (El-Arish and Ismailiya axis) while engaging the Egyptian 7th Infantry
Division in heavy combat. Sharon was attacking the strongpoint at Abu-Agheila to the South. Meanwhile, General Yoffe's armored group started its advance between Tal's and Sharon's forces.

Avraham Yoffe's Division avoided any areas of heavy enemy concentration and
rushed to the passes; in fact, he traversed terrain that was unguarded because the Egyptians believed that tanks could not cross over dunes. However, with the info they had gathered during the 1956 War, Israeli command managed to locate a narrow path going through Wadi Haradin. Wadi's western exit was defended by a weak Egyptian force. With the first lights of the day Yoffe's leading armor reached the exit. Egyptian infantry woke up with the tank engine sounds coming from the seemingly "impassable" wadi. They had to pay for this fatal assumption.

Optional Rules to Use: Quality Loss Modifier, Vehicle Fire Over


Arab(pts) v Israeli(pts)

Dazooz (25 Major Win) v Alpha Two (5)
Alpha Two (5) v Dazooz (25 Major Win)

Nik (25 major win) v Paulinski (5)
Paulinski (25 major win) v Nik (5)

Mikekiller16 (25 Major Win) v Fastphil (5)
Fastphil (25 Major Win) v Mikekiller16 (5)

TheBigRedOne (5) v Ozgur Budak (25 Major Win)
Ozgur Budak (25 Major Win) v TheBigRedOne (5)

Mad Dog (10) v Rabbit (20 Minor Win)
Rabbit (25 Major Win) v Mad Dog (5)

Riley D Smith (5) v Stepan (25 Major Win)
Stepan (25 Major Win) v Riley D Smith (5)
Site Commander: Task Force Echo 4
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Messages In This Thread
AIW Tourney Final Results! - by TheBigRedOne - 04-29-2009, 11:02 PM
RE: AIW Tourney Thread - by TheBigRedOne - 05-09-2009, 12:59 AM
Round Two - by TheBigRedOne - 07-06-2009, 05:04 AM
RE: AIW Tourney Thread - by TheBigRedOne - 10-21-2009, 10:37 PM
RE: AIW Tourney Thread - by Mad_Dog - 10-22-2009, 08:34 AM
RE: AIW Tourney Final Results! - by Nikb - 10-22-2009, 03:51 AM
RE: AIW Tourney Final Results! - by rahamy - 10-23-2009, 11:04 AM
RE: AIW Tourney Final Results! - by Laza - 10-23-2009, 04:15 PM

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